As you will know for several weeks now, we have been able to use the outside areas of the club and it has been good to see members back working on their boats and getting ready for the season. Sadly, some of our activities are still restricted but I hope that in time we will be able to actively pursue all of the things we did before the pandemic. We have just been advised that rowing will be able to restart soon.
A key part of the lockdown has of course been the restrictions on the social activities of the club and the complete closure of the clubhouse. This is set to change when the restrictions are further eased by the Welsh Assembly Government on 26th April. Providing this takes place as planned, the club will be able to reopen its food and bar service on the 26th although all activity will be limited to the outside areas of the club.
I look forward to welcoming more of you back to the club in the coming weeks but please note that when attending the club, we still need to observe the Covid related restrictions.
The restrictions that remain in place include:-
· Adhering to the track and trace system at the club
· Providing your name and address on arrival at the club
· Wearing face masks when entering the clubhouse to use the toilets
· Following the guidelines for use of the toilets
· Table service only (there will be no direct access to the bar)
· Maintaining social distancing
· Ensuring that only 6 people can be seated together
Whilst this all sounds prohibitive in reality these are just the things, we have all become used to over the last year. As the year moves on, I hope that these restrictions will be eased further.
We intend to re-open offering an outside service (which will include the Marquee and the areas at the front of the club) on the evening of 26th April. The bar service will start at 5:30pm and the food service will begin at 6:00pm. It is essential to book a table if you intend coming to the club and the menu is attached to this note.
All orders will be taken at the table and payment will be by card only, we will not be able to accept cash. Members will need to show a current membership card to qualify for reduced member pricing. Cards for those members who have not yet collected their new ones will be available at the club for collection on Friday.
The food service will stop at 9:00pm however, the bar will stay open, providing members wish to continue to order drinks, until 11:00pm.
The club will then return to a regular bar and food service as follows;
· Friday, Bar 5 – 11:00pm, Food 6 – 9:00pm
· Saturday, Bar 12 – 6:00pm (later if there is a demand), Food – Breakfasts 9 – 12:00pm
· Sunday Bar 12 – 6:00pm (later if there is demand), Food Sunday lunches 12 – 3:00pm
The Lighthouse are intending to provide a service during the week and the details of this will be sent out in the next few days.
It is also planned to extend the service on the Bank Holiday weekend on Saturday and Monday but details of these plans will be sent out closer to the time.
We are very much looking forward to being able to welcome all our members back to the club and to begin to restart the club’s social activities. Whilst it may have been quiet, behind the scenes many people have continued to work hard, in difficult circumstances, to ensure that the club has continued and is actually here to reopen.
I would like to thank all those who have put in the time and effort to keep us going and those people who have been working hard to get the club ready to reopen.
Lastly I would like to thank all our members who have stuck with the club despite the severe limitations on what members have been allowed to do.
The club is only the sum of the contributions and the efforts of its members, no more and no less. Reopening after such a long break and with many limitations on what we can do and how we are allowed to behave is not going to be without some hiccups along the way. Please be patient.
Howard Metcalfe
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