About us

Enjoy the location, enjoy the atmosphere

Situated at the corner of picturesque Jackson’s Bay, Barry Yacht Club has looked out between the breakwaters since 1928. With its distinctive facade and superb facilities, it welcomes members and non members both with, and without their boats. It’s a great place to meet up in beautiful surroundings.

contact US

The Pierhead
Barry Docks
Vale of Glamorgan
CF62 5QS
Tel – 01446 735511
Email – secretary@barryyachtclub.co.uk

Barry Yacht Club

We’re always happy to welcome new members at Barry Yacht Club.


Whether it’s a cruising yacht or a Mirror dinghy, sailors of all levels and experience are welcome.


We have an active rowing section with activities planned during the finer months. 

Mooring and Storage

Mooring facilities are available at the club. These can accommodate vessels from the very small to larger cruising vessels.


Join us for a drink at the Bar and Grill. With lovely views over the harbour entrance, it’s a great way to spend an evening. Numerous social events are held throughout the year

Our Team

Meet the team members here at Barry Yacht Club.

Currently on a rota basis


Brian Dotchon


Roger Donkin

Vice President


Lisa Clissett


Howard Metcalfe

Howard Metcalfe


Weather and Tides